The program
PROFNIT® is a Graduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation. stricto sensu, dedicated to the improvement of professional training to work in the competences of the Technological Innovation Centers (NITs) and in Innovation-Promoting Environments in the various academic, business, governmental sectors, social organizations, etc.
It is a FORTEC face-to-face program (, in a national network of Focal Points, with an Academic Headquarters in one of the focal points, offered to graduated professionals who work in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer and Technological Innovation within the scope of competences of the Technological Innovation Centers (NITs), servers and team members of Science and Technology Institutions (ICTs), as well as in other similar instances of the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation (SNCTI).
Students do not pay annuities and professors do not receive pro-labore, being a social contribution from FORTEC (Brazilian Association of Innovation and Technology Transfer Managers, and being co-financed by the Brazilian government and by other organizations.
This is a social contribution by the National Forum Association of Innovation and Technology Transfer Managers – FORTEC, in association with Higher Education Institutions, to train human resources at master’s level to work in the areas of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation, such as Technological Innovation Centers, Technological Innovation Centers, Research, Development & Innovation Promotion Agencies, among other innovation environments.
The Professional Master’s is offered nationally, covering all regions of Brazil and was recommended with grade 4 by the Technical-Scientific Council of Higher Education – CTC-ES of CAPES, in its 159th meeting, held on June 18 and 19, 2015 ( Normative Recognition Act Ordinance No. 0559, Publication date: 07/01/2016, CNE Opinion 561/2015)
The Professional Master’s is also offered annually to foreign students.
PROFNIT is coordinated by the Management Council (CG) and the National Academic Commission (CAN), which operate under the aegis of the FORTEC Directory, has a Headquarters Focal Point, and is executed by the Institutional Academic Commissions (CAIs) of the Focal Points.